1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,490 Formal step for man . 2 00:00:07,380 --> 00:00:09,436 I was nine years old when we had the 3 00:00:09,436 --> 00:00:12,410 first landing , my dad went out and 4 00:00:12,410 --> 00:00:14,410 bought the first ever TV , set this 5 00:00:14,410 --> 00:00:16,466 grainy black and white thing . And I 6 00:00:16,466 --> 00:00:18,521 remember , I still remember watching 7 00:00:18,521 --> 00:00:20,577 this . He changed my life . I mean , 8 00:00:20,577 --> 00:00:22,743 that was the day I decided I was going 9 00:00:22,743 --> 00:00:24,521 to be a side , beautiful view . 10 00:00:26,680 --> 00:00:29,630 I represent , hey , 11 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:32,250 many thousands of , you know , 12 00:00:32,250 --> 00:00:34,600 incredible , very talented people in 13 00:00:34,600 --> 00:00:37,200 the S and D community while we do and 14 00:00:37,200 --> 00:00:39,800 support long term research , we do it 15 00:00:39,810 --> 00:00:41,921 because at the end of the day , we're 16 00:00:41,921 --> 00:00:44,170 gonna solve a real world problem that 17 00:00:44,170 --> 00:00:46,750 affects the outcome of the mission that 18 00:00:46,750 --> 00:00:49,480 finally affects the life of a fighter 19 00:00:49,480 --> 00:00:53,200 pilot and crew member . Um I , you know , 20 00:00:53,630 --> 00:00:55,980 I want to make sure that while I'm here 21 00:00:55,980 --> 00:00:57,980 and hopefully after I leave , there 22 00:00:57,980 --> 00:00:59,869 will be much better connectedness 23 00:00:59,869 --> 00:01:02,036 between the S and D enterprise and the 24 00:01:02,036 --> 00:01:04,470 warfighting enterprise because that's 25 00:01:04,470 --> 00:01:06,692 what we're here for . We're not here to 26 00:01:06,692 --> 00:01:08,692 write papers , we're not here to do 27 00:01:08,692 --> 00:01:10,914 experiments , we're here to support our 28 00:01:10,914 --> 00:01:11,470 fighters 29 00:01:17,850 --> 00:01:19,850 and all other springs . There's a , 30 00:01:19,850 --> 00:01:23,790 there's a , there's a grave at the um 31 00:01:23,800 --> 00:01:27,020 at the academy , the academy 32 00:01:27,030 --> 00:01:30,750 Uh Morris Moose Fontinot 33 00:01:31,420 --> 00:01:34,640 an F 15 C pilot , a 34 00:01:34,650 --> 00:01:38,570 graduate weapons school . Uh 2300 35 00:01:38,570 --> 00:01:42,050 hours of flying the F R B F 15 C . He 36 00:01:42,050 --> 00:01:45,190 went into the ground at 6600 and 80 37 00:01:45,690 --> 00:01:48,960 MPH . This future was bright . 38 00:01:48,970 --> 00:01:51,290 We are devastated to not be able to 39 00:01:51,290 --> 00:01:53,910 share in that future because make no 40 00:01:53,910 --> 00:01:56,800 mistake about it . Moose Fontenot was a 41 00:01:56,810 --> 00:02:00,780 difference maker . This is a 42 00:02:00,780 --> 00:02:04,570 pilot that I knew what she was 43 00:02:04,580 --> 00:02:06,913 doing . I mean , you know , when , when , 44 00:02:06,913 --> 00:02:09,136 when I , when I say that our pilots are 45 00:02:09,136 --> 00:02:11,247 X men , you know , you gotta trust me 46 00:02:11,247 --> 00:02:14,500 that X men his jet to let him down . 47 00:02:16,080 --> 00:02:18,720 So , you know , I think this is my , um , 48 00:02:18,730 --> 00:02:21,320 I guess my exhortation to all of my 49 00:02:21,320 --> 00:02:25,130 peers in the SNT world get close to the 50 00:02:25,130 --> 00:02:27,380 war fire , understand not only their 51 00:02:27,380 --> 00:02:29,047 mission but the context , the 52 00:02:29,047 --> 00:02:30,936 environment in which they have to 53 00:02:30,936 --> 00:02:32,880 pursue it and solve our problems . 54 00:02:33,470 --> 00:02:36,150 Nothing else . We do matters . You know , 55 00:02:36,150 --> 00:02:37,910 you save a life as an S and T 56 00:02:37,910 --> 00:02:40,740 professional , you've done your job , 57 00:02:40,740 --> 00:02:43,030 you earn your keep , save one life , 58 00:02:43,040 --> 00:02:44,640 just one .