Airman Magazine: Science and the Warfighter

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How are RESEARCH SCIENTISTS helping the Air Force shape the next-gen Airman?

  Accelerate Change, or lose. A call to action that has inspired the Air Force to innovate rapidly as we work to maintain our competitive advantage against our pacing threat. Many global events have made one factor abundantly clear, the only advantage that can ensure the Air Force can continuously deliver airpower, any time any place, is our largest and most vital resource; our Airmen and Guardians.
  In this issue, we’ll chat with a guiding force in the Air Force’s scientific community, the Air Force Chief Scientist, and learn more about the projects being led by a research biologist, an aerospace developmental engineer and more to explore the many ways scientific research, experimentation and exploration will help build the Airmen and Guardians of tomorrow.


  Accelerate Change, or lose. A call to action that has inspired the Air Force to innovate rapidly as we work to maintain our competitive advantage against our pacing threat. Many global events have made one factor abundantly clear, the only advantage that can ensure the Air Force can continuously deliver airpower, any time any place, is our largest and most vital resource; our Airmen and Guardians.

  In this issue, we’ll chat with a guiding force in the Air Force’s scientific community, the Air Force Chief Scientist, and learn more about the projects being led by a research biologist, an aerospace developmental engineer and more to explore the many ways scientific research, experimentation and exploration will help build the Airmen and Guardians of tomorrow.


Readiness through research

  The Department of the Air Force’s scientific research organization, commonly referred to as AFRL, conducts cutting-edge studies and experiments in a variety of areas to include aerospace technology and science. Ultimately, the work they do is in support of total-force Airmen and Guardians worldwide.

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Researching human performance

  Dr. Candace Hatcher-Solis is a research biological scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory and the team lead for Neurobiology of Cognitive Performance. Her research interests include neuromodulation and biomarker discovery for cognitive enhancement and stress resilience.

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Experimental mechanical engineering

  Capt. Kavi Muraleetharan is a mechanical and aerospace developmental engineer at AFRL and was the recipient of an Edison Grant, which has funded his research in developing detonation engines.

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Innovation in flight testing

  First Lt. Matthew Green works at the Air Force Research Laboratory Center for Rapid Innovation where his team uses simulators and flight testing equipment to quickly test and supply solutions to the Air Force’s war fighting needs.

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At Altitude: AF Chief Scientist Victoria Coleman

  Dr. Victoria Coleman is the Air Force chief scientist and is responsible for providing the Secretary of the Air Force, Air Force Chief of staff and Chief of Space Operations with assessments on a wide range of scientific and technical issues impacting the mission.

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