Airman Feature Articles

  • At Altitude: Lt. Gen. James Slife / AFSOC

    AFSOC commander and special operations lifer Lt. Gen. James Slife to discuss new technologies, capabilities and priorities as the United States shifts focus from decades of conflict in Afghanistan, Iraq and the War on Terror to countering peer adversaries Russia and China.

  • The Debrief: Hsu Innovation Institute

    In this episode of The Debrief, the commander of Air Force Special Operations Command, the CODEMANDOS, a 3-D printing guru and the director of the HSU Innovation Institute tell us about the current projects and accomplishments Airmen have achieved on the road to accelerate change, or lose.

  • Pushing The Envelope: AFSOC Shifts gears

    After decades of concentrating on Afghanistan and the War On Terror, AFSOC is pivoting to focus on strategic competition with peer adversaries; Russia and China.

  • Innovative Airmen build community

    The 1st Special Operations Wing partnered with the Hsu Educational Foundation in June 2020 to create the FieldWerx Makerspace to offer STEM-based opportunities to Airmen and youth in the local community.

  • Human Capital

    The withdrawal from Afghanistan marks a pivotal moment in the U.S. shift toward Strategic Competition. As an era of nation building ends, a new one begins - with Airmen as Air Force Special Operations Command’s strategic advantage.

  • Airman Aerials 2021

    Airman Magazine's compilation of outstanding aerial imagery produced by U.S. Air Force photographers during 2021.

  • Finely-Tuned, Hyper-Focused

    Air Force Special Operations Command has made significant changes to their deployment tempo that will allow Airmen to have designated time to build resiliency and work towards career and life goals. These changes should help them shift their focus from counter violent extremist missions to preparing

  • LT. GEN. Jim Slife and the AFSOC we need

    Lt. Gen. James Slife, commander of the Air Force Special Operations Command, discusses the challenges AFSOC is facing to shift from the counter violent extremist mission to great power competition against peer adversaries.

  • FYSA: Agility Prime

    FYSA: Agility Prime. For your situational awareness, flying cars are real and the Air Force is helping to rapidly get them in the air. Our guest, AFWERX Director Colonel Nathan Diller prefers to call these flying cars eVTOLs, or electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing vehicles. We’ll defer to his